Because I was asked

by several people to post pictures of the kitchen pantry, I shall do so.  It is rather bland and unexciting I’m afraid.

Rachel opens the pantry door for me.  What a sweet helper!  I’m sure she has no ulterior motives to get closer to the goldish crackers and chocolate chips.


We can walk through the pantry into the mudroom or visa versa, carrying groceries straight through the mudroom into the kitchen pantry.


To the right, there is currently a glorious amount of wasted space.  The idea is to put an upright freezer and additional shelving there as funds become available.  Hopefully, the ability to buy in bulk and to freeze garden produce will eventually offset the initial investment there.


Thankfully, Sid was able to build countertop space with leftover scrap wood on the left side.  He will get around to building some more shelves in there for me.  He also fixed up an electrical outlet in there so I can keep my grain mill and food saver in there and plugged up, ready to use at a moment’s notice.  He has been so good to me, eager to help me streamline the process of meal-planning, meal-making and meal clean-up to free me from kitchen duties more and more.

It is so convenient to now have a proper place for my 50 lb. buckets of grains and beans.  At the trailer, I stored them in the hallway to the kids’ bedrooms.


Standing in the mudroom, looking through the pantry into the kitchen.  There is another pocket door on this side too.  Theoretically, a mother could step inside the pantry, close both doors and sit very quietly in the dark, with a back of Ghiradelli chocolate chips.  Theoretically speaking, of course.  And such thoughts never entered my head while I was planning the house layout.

Really.  How could you think I would plan my house layout to support and hide my chocolate addiction?  You really shouldn’t make such wrongful assumptions about people.

One thought on “Because I was asked

  1. Wow! The pantry is wonderful just like the rest of the kitchen. I would love having that closed off space where I could keep certain appliances ready to go, etc. How convenient! Of course, that whole chocolate thing is the most convenient of all! LOL

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